Jelly Health Pty Ltd (Jelly Health, We) is committed to complying with all applicable privacy laws including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2001 (VIC) and other laws which protect the privacy of personal information (including health information) in Victoria.

We are committed to providing access to high quality, person-centred psychology services to our clients (You, Your) and this policy outlines our ongoing obligations to You in respect of how We manage Your personal information.

When You access and use our website [] (Website), You accept and agree to both the Website Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy, including that We’ll share certain data with third parties as set out below.

We may update this Privacy Policy. When We make significant changes to this Policy, We will notify You through our website when you log in to your account. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information.


What is personal information and why do We collect it?

The Privacy Act defines “personal information” as meaning information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.

In order to provide psychology services to You, it is necessary for your therapist to collect and record information such as your name, contact information, medical history, and other relevant information. Your personal information is recorded in order to document what happens during sessions and enables Your therapist to provide a relevant and informed service to you.

The type of information We collect about You includes (but is not limited to):

  • name, date of birth, addresses, contact details.
  • “Therapy Data“, which includes health and treatment information that is required to facilitate therapy, including medical history, medications, environmental and social history, and your connection with other health and wellbeing service providers.
  • written communications and related information You share with your therapist to facilitate the therapy. This includes messages with Therapists, worksheets, and journal entries. We do not record the video or audio sessions with therapists.
  • Medicare number, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) number or other government agency number for identification and claiming purposes.
  • Private health fund details
  • location information from a mobile device (because it can reveal user activity patterns and habits)
  • Transactional information (payment method)
  • Access and use of service including reason for accessing service.
  • type of browser and operating system You are using, domain name of internet service provider.
  • Information on the services you enquire about and/or buy.


Sensitive Information

The Privacy Act defines “sensitive information” to include information or opinion about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information. As a health provider, We will only collect and store sensitive information pertaining to Your health information.

We will use Your health information only:

  • For the primary purpose for which it was obtained.
  • For a secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary purpose.
  • With Your consent, or where required or authorised by law.

We do not use or disclose sensitive personal information, such as race, religion, or political affiliations, without Your explicit consent.



When You browse this Website, our system automatically logs information about Your visit such as the date and time of your visit, user’s server address, type of browser used, previous site visited, pages accessed, online bookings and total user time. Unless You register for one of our online services, we do not collect personal information such as your name and address. We do however use “cookies”. A cookie is a message given to a web browser by a web server. The browser stores the message in a text file. The message is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Websites to which this site may be linked may also use their own cookies to collect information from You. You can generally configure your web browser to accept cookies, reject cookies or notify you when a cookie is sent. You should refer to the help menu of your web browser if you require details as to how this can be done. If your browser is configured to reject all cookies, if you disable some of the cookies you will be unable to use our website . Please refer to our practice management system’s cookie policy for more information [] The primary purpose of collecting this information is the collation of statistics on use of our website, to ensure the website operates well and for security reasons and for associated marketing and tracking analytics . The information is also used in fault finding, determining hacking attempts and it may be accessed for law enforcement reasons. We do not attempt to identify users from this information unless We are investigating a problem for that user. We may disclose it to others if required to do so by law.


Collection of Personal Information

We collect Your personal information through a variety of methods including, phone calls, electronic interactions (such as email) and referrals. We gather information that is essential or beneficial in ensuring quality of the psychology services provided to You.

Where reasonable and practicable to do so, We will collect Your personal information only from You. However, in some circumstances We may be provided with information by third parties, including Your doctor, NDIS support coordinator and/ or a family member and gather information from a variety of other sources such as other health professionals, funding bodies and Your guardian or other authorised representative (Authorised Representative). In such cases We will take reasonable steps to ensure that You or Your Authorised Representative are made aware of the information provided to us by the third party.

On initial assessment, We will ask You for Your or Your Authorised Representative’s consent to allow us to access and use Your information.


Use and Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

We use Your personal information to enable us to provide quality psychology services to You. This is explained when We ask for Your or Your Authorised Representative’s consent.

We share your information in order to ensure effective service provision and may disclose your personal information to organisations outside Jelly Health. Your personal information may be disclosed to these organisations only in relation to our operating this Website; and we take reasonable steps to ensure that these organisations are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your personal information. These organisations may carry out or provide:

customer enquiries;

mailing systems;

billing and debt-recovery functions;

information technology services;

marketing, telemarketing and sales services;

market research; and

website usage analysis.

our professional advisers, including our accountants, auditors and lawyers.

organisations who manage our business strategies, including those involved in a transfer/sale of all or part of our assets or business (including accounts and trade receivables) and those involved in managing our business risk and funding functions; and

All personal information gathered by Your therapist during the provision of the psychology services will remain confidential except when:

  1. It is subpoenaed by a court, or disclosure is otherwise required or authorised by law or necessary to investigate a suspected unlawful activity; or
  2. Failure to disclose the information would in the reasonable belief of the therapist, place You, or another person at serious risk to life, health or safety or to meet our mandatory reporting requirements or as required or authorised by law to government and regulatory authorities and other organisations; or
  3. Your or your Authorised Representative’s prior approval has been obtained to: a) Provide a written report to another professional or agency (e.g., a GP, , or a lawyer); or b) Discuss the material with another person (e.g., a parent, employer, health provider, or third party funder); or c) Disclose to another professional or agency (e.g., Your GP) and disclosure of Your personal information to that third party is for a purpose which is directly related to the primary purpose for which Your personal information was collected. Your personal information will not be used, sold, rented, or disclosed for any other purposes.
  4. Medicare requires that Your therapist must provide summary reports regarding Your treatment progress if they are using a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) or Enhanced Primary Care (EPC). Under the Medicare scheme these reports are sent to Your referrer (e.g., your GP or other medical service provider). For clients seen under the NDIS, a treatment summary report is usually required every 12 months, upon renewal of Your NDIS plan

Once any personal information comes into our possession, We will take reasonable steps to protect that information from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the information that You provide us and We will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from unauthorised use or alteration. Personal information may be stored both electronically (on our computer systems and with our website hosting provider) and in hard-copy form. Firewalls, anti-virus software and email filters, as well as passwords, protect all of our electronic information. Likewise, we take all reasonable measures to ensure the security of hard-copy information.

Your personal information is stored by us securely in electronic records in the practice management provider’s cloud-based software in Australia.

We may disclose information to our third party services providers and suppliers located overseas for the purposes listed above. These entities may be located in the Philippines.

Ethical guidelines state that records regarding adults should be kept for seven years following the date of last contact.

From time to time we may email You with news, information and offers relating to our own services or those of selected partners. Your personal information may also be collected so that We can promote and market products and services to You. This is to keep you informed of products, services, and special offers we believe you will find valuable and may continue after you cease acquiring services from us. If you would prefer not to receive promotional or other material from us, please let us know and we will respect your request. You can unsubscribe from such communications at any time if you choose.


Third Party Websites

You may click-through to third party websites from this Website including Medmate (, in which case We recommend that You refer to the privacy statement of the websites You visit. This Privacy Policy applies to this Website only and We assume no responsibility for the content of any third party websites.


Access to and Correction of Information about You

We will provide You or Your Authorised Representative with access to the information We hold about You on request, unless there is an exception that applies under the APPS, including for the purpose of correcting or updating that information. These exceptions restrict access including where:

  • Giving access would pose a serious threat to the physical or mental health of any individual,
  • Giving access would jeopardise (something), and/or giving access would hinder any law enforcement activity.

Your or Your Authorised Representative’s request to provide access to this information will be dealt with in a reasonable time.

If We refuse to provide You or Your Authorised Representative with access to the information We hold about You, We will provide You or Your Authorised Representative with reasons for the refusal and inform You or Your Authorised Representative of any exceptions relied upon under the APPS.

Requests to access personal information must be made in writing, with applicable identification by email. Please see the contact details below.


Keeping Your Personal Information Up To Date

We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information We hold about You is accurate, complete, and up to date whenever We collect or use it. If the personal information We hold about You is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date, please contact us and We will take reasonable steps to either correct this information, or if necessary, discuss alternative action with You or Your Authorised Representative.


Resolving Your Concerns and complaints

We take complaints and concerns regarding privacy seriously. If You or Your Authorised Representative have a complaint about a breach of Your privacy, You or Your Authorised Representative should express any privacy concerns You may have in writing. We will then attempt to resolve it as soon as possible.

Please note our contact details at the end of this policy.

You may also contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). For further information visit or call the OAIC on 1300 336 002.


Changes to this Privacy Statement

The contents of this statement may be altered at any time, at our discretion, as our business requirements change, to reflect feedback or the law changes.


Contact Information

Name: Privacy Officer Email:


Relevant links

Australian Privacy Principles –

Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner’s website –